
Buyers 6-Month Countdown to Buying a Home Photo credit: Towfiqu Barbhuiya   If you are planning on purchasing a new home in the next year, it is not too early to get started!  The following guide of what to do when is not absolute, but rather, suggests a reasonable pace for keeping your home search on schedule and keeping you confident!   […]
Buyers The Home Inspection photo credit:  Andres Siimon   When we write up the agreement of sale, you choose particular inspections that you might want to do.  After your offer has been accepted, we will confirm which ones you wish to conduct and will schedule the home inspection.  The inspections must be completed as stated in the agreement of […]
Buyers What are closing costs and how much are they going to cost me? If you are a first-time home buyer you have probably heard of closing costs but may not know what they are.  These are costs that you pay at the closing of your new home (the finalization of the sales process) and are in addition to the home’s sale price.  Closing costs are usually between 2 […]
Buyers Steps to purchasing a property ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Purchasing a home can be a daunting process, but it doesn’t have to be.  A good real estate agent will lead you through the steps and do some of the heavy lifting for you.  Please note that this is generally the order in which the process occurs.   1. Know how you will be […]
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